Treating You
What will happen on my first visit?
Your practitioner will gather information about you and form a diagnosis from a Chinese medical perspective in order to devise a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.
Your practitioner will ask about your current symptoms, what treatment you have received so far, any medication you may be taking, your medical history and that of your close family, your diet, digestive system, sleeping patterns and emotional state.
Your practitioner will also feel your pulses on both wrists and look at your tongue, which is likely to give a good guide to your physical health.

Try not to arrive for treatment on an empty stomach. It would also be helpful, if you could avoid alcohol and food or drinks which colour your tongue, such as coffee, immediately prior to treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
This varies between patients. Most people have a course of treatments and usually notice changes after four to six sessions, although occasionally only one or two sessions are required. Normally weekly treatments are required in the beginning. I will review your progress with you, and carefully monitor your treatment to ensure that it matches your needs.
Being treated with Traditional Chinese Therapy is not just about ‘being done to’, it is also about actively managing ones own health. Treatment is a partnership between patient and practitioner.
We may discuss whether you could support your treatment further by making a few changes to your lifestyle.
Other therapies used
During a course of sessions you may be treated with
Cups can be used to stimulate circulation into a particular area or to move energy that is ‘stuck’ and may be causing pain or stiffness.
A vacuum is created inside a glass cup by briefly inserting a flame and then placing the cup on the skin. Alternatively some cups have a little suction pump.
Moxa comes from the dried leaves of the common mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris). It is used for warming and nourishing either the whole person or specific areas of the body. It can be a very pleasant and relaxing experience.
A cigar-shaped roll can be lit at one end and moved slowly over the skin and particular acu–points.
Small cones can be burned on the end of needles or placed directly on the skin to smoulder. They are removed long before they cause any discomfort.
Tui na massage
This may be used as an adjunct to stimulate the flow of energy to help relieve discomfort or pain
How will I feel after acupuncture?
You may feel rather relaxed and calm. If the treatment has been particularly strong you could feel rather tired or drowsy for a few hours, and you should take this into account if you are planning to drive or use machinery. Occasionally there may be a short–term flare–up of your symptoms as your body clears any unwanted energy and rebalances you.
Maintaining health
Once balance is restored and you feel better, you may consider having a monthly or quarterly treatment in order to help you maintain that balance against the stresses and strains of modern living.